Natural Language Processing

  • What is it?
    Natural language processing, often abbreviated as NLP, concerns the training of artificial intelligence to comprehend human speech and text in much the same way that human beings do. To wit, humans are prone to mispronunciations, misspellings, and grammatical errors; what's more, what a word or sentence means depends largely on the context. For instance, humans can understand sarcasm and hyperbole without much issue, and intentional misspellings and broken grammar have become par for the course in the era of internet-based communication. For the AI, however, this used to constitute an insurmountable hurdle.

    With the advancement of machine learning and deep learning methods, along with a scientific and engineering discipline known as computational linguistics, modern AI applications have become much more apt at understanding humans. Many so-called "smart" devices and services, such as speech recognition and machine translation, rely on NLP to accurately interpret your meaning and carry out your instructions.

  • Why do you need it?
    Leaving aside the fact that most of us are already benefiting from NLP in our daily lives, the implementation of NLP in a business environment can be a game-changer. In marketing and customer service, spam detection, social listening, and chatbots can ensure your company really hears what your customers are saying, so you can engage with them in a meaningful manner. Other potential applications include automatic summarization of long swaths of text, natural language generation and understanding (NLG/NLU), and other more advanced AI applications.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    Since machine learning and deep learning figure prominently in the development of NLP, GIGABYTE's hardware and software solutions can be an important asset. For example, GIGABYTE's G-Series GPU Servers support CPUs with GPGPU accelerators to provide HPC capabilities that can be used to achieve deep learning and MLOps. The Myelintek MLSteam DNN Training System, which is part of GIGABYTE's DNN Training Appliance, provides a turnkey DNN training platform that can also be run on GIGABYTE's GPU Servers. Another way GIGABYTE is contributing to NLP is an interesting case of GIGABYTE's long-term CSR and ESG efforts being expressed through its advanced server solutions. In 2020, GIGABYTE provided four G482-Z50 servers for Taiwan's Cheng Kung University (NCKU), which was participating in the APAC HPC-AI Competition being held in Singapore. The NCKU team went on to win first place and break NLP world records using BERT, a machine learning technique developed by Google. The team achieved an accuracy of 87.7%, which was even higher than what had been achieved by the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University at the time.

    Learn more : 《Advance AI with GIGABYTE’s supercharged AI server solutions

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